BitNami Moodle Stack greatly simplifies the deployment of Moodle and its required dependencies. It can be deployed using a native installer, as a virtual machine, in the cloud or as a module over an already installed infrastructure Stack.
Moodle is a Course Management System that is designed using sound pedagogical principles to help educators create effective online learning communities. It can scale from one computer to a 50,000-student university and is used in 175 countries around the world.
The BitNami Moodle Stack native installers were packaged using BitRock's cross platform installer tool.
Easy to Install:
· BitNami Stacks are built with one goal in mind: to make it as easy as possible to install open source software. Our installers completely automate the process of installing and configuring all of the software included in each Stack, so you can have everything up and running in just a few clicks.
· BitNami Stacks are completely self-contained, and therefore do not interfere with any software already installed on your system. For example, you can upgrade your system's MySQL or Apache without fear of 'breaking' your BitNami Stack.
· By the time you click the 'Finish' button on the installer, the whole stack will be integrated, configured and ready to go.
· BitNami Stacks can be installed in any directory. This allows you to have multiple instances of the same stack, without them interfering with each other.
Moodle is a Course Management System that is designed using sound pedagogical principles to help educators create effective online learning communities. It can scale from one computer to a 50,000-student university and is used in 175 countries around the world.
The BitNami Moodle Stack native installers were packaged using BitRock's cross platform installer tool.
Easy to Install:
· BitNami Stacks are built with one goal in mind: to make it as easy as possible to install open source software. Our installers completely automate the process of installing and configuring all of the software included in each Stack, so you can have everything up and running in just a few clicks.
· BitNami Stacks are completely self-contained, and therefore do not interfere with any software already installed on your system. For example, you can upgrade your system's MySQL or Apache without fear of 'breaking' your BitNami Stack.
· By the time you click the 'Finish' button on the installer, the whole stack will be integrated, configured and ready to go.
· BitNami Stacks can be installed in any directory. This allows you to have multiple instances of the same stack, without them interfering with each other.

- Bitnami Moodle Stack. Microsoft Update Health Tools.
- Create course management system on your PC.

Bitnami Moodle Stack Download
The installer always stuck during the last part, the "Creating database/Initializing user account". I managed to bypass this by restarting the MySQL database in. Launch this Stack Bitnami LMS powered by Moodle (TM) LMS for Windows / Linux / macOS / OS X VM Moodle (TM) LMS is an open source online Learning Management System widely used at universities, schools, and corporations. It is modular and highly adaptable to any type of online learning.