

EXAMPLE: conda create -help CONDA 4.6 CHEAT SHEET. Conda search PKGNAME -info conda clean -all conda uninstall PKGNAME -name ENVNAME conda update -all -name ENVNAME conda install -yes PKG1 PKG2 conda config -show conda config -show-sources Using Packages and Channels. Conda commands¶ The conda command is the primary interface for managing installations of various packages. It can: Query and search the Anaconda package index and current Anaconda installation. Create new conda environments. Install and update packages into existing conda environments.

The conda command is the primary interface for managinginstallations of various packages. It can:

  • Query and search the Anaconda package index and currentAnaconda installation.

  • Create new conda environments.

  • Install and update packages into existing conda environments.

Conda Env Create


Conda Delete Env

You can abbreviate many frequently used command options thatare preceded by 2 dashes (--) to just 1 dash and the firstletter of the option. So --name and -n are the same, and--envs and -e are the same.

For full usage of each command, including abbreviations, seeCommand reference. You can see the same information at thecommand line by viewing the command-line help.