From MP3s to streaming video, Winamp is the one place you go to feed your audio/video habit. Here are just some of the hot, new things you can do with the latest version of Winamp: Winamp can use both Modern and Classic skins, so you can be both hip and retro at the same time. Winamp gives you easy and organized access to your favorite media.

In Winamp’s Media Library, go to SHOUTcast Wire and select Subscriptions. Click on Add under Channels and paste in the URL. Click on OK and the Workers World podcast is added as a channel. This legendary customized music player is aimed at gifting music darlings one place to listen to all contents including tracks, playlists, radio stations, and podcasts. The latest version of the app is set to bring some brand-new services and integrations that will allow users to play Spotify music on Winamp. Download your podcasts to a specific directory hierarchy on your computer. Setup this download folder as a watch folder in the Media Library preferences to make sure that downloaded episodes show up in Winamp automatically. Tell mliPod about this directory on the config page (Preferences - iPod support - Speech tab - Top folder for podcasts).
Pick a software downgrade to the version you love!
Winamp 5.5 Full Change Log
-and all support for those OS'es has now been discontinued.
-Win2k/XP/2003/Vista are all supported.
* New: Bento SingleUI Skin
* New: Auto-Tagger in File Info dialog (powered by Gracenote)
* New: Album Art support, including new window for Winamp Modern skin
* New: Fully translatable Localization support
* New: WLZ (Winamp Language Zip) filetype support
* New: Global 'playback thread priority' setting for decoders
* New: Media Monitor and MP3 Blog site scraper (in Bento browser)
* New: Option to set the number of lines to scroll in the Playlist
* New: Option to not show playlist item number in classic songticker
* New: Option to not show the playlist number in the Windows taskbar
* New: Redesigned Installer
* New: Run Setup switch, winamp.exe /REG=S
* New: Unified File Editor, with Artwork tab (for mp3, m4a, wma, ogg, flac)
* New: Version History drop-down selector and Search (in About dialog)
* New: Winamp Toolbar for Internet Explorer (optional)
* New: %family% ATF string for identifying filetypes
* New: $split() ATF function for splitting x/y disc & track strings
* New: [in_mp3] Multi-channel mp3surround support
* New: [gen_ml] Tree Options tab in Media Library Preferences
* New: [ml_autotag] Mass Auto-Tagger in Send-To menu (powered by Gracenote)
* New: [ml_local] 3 pane view options in 'Add/Edit View' dialog
* New: [ml_local] Smart View Presets
* New: [ml_local] Album Art support/pane and retrieval service
* New: [ml_local] Toolbar buttons to control view options
* New: [ml_plg] Winamp Playlist Generator (powered by Gracenote MusicID)
* New: [ml_pmp] New fields, configurable filter panes & columns, 3 pane view
* New: [ml_pmp] Album Art view & support for iPod and P4S Devices
* New: [ml_pmp] Separate view for video files
* New: [vis_milk2] Milkdrop2 Visualizer
* Improved: General misc UI/Dialog tweaks & improvements
* Improved: Re-tuned and optimized classic Spectrum Analyzer
* Improved: Surround indicator in Winamp Modern skin for multi-channel files
* Improved: Classic Songticker option for Winamp Modern skin (via Config drawer)
* Improved: [in_cdda] Conductor metadata support
* Improved: [in_cdda] Handling of multiple discs
* Improved: [in_flac/in_vorbis] ALBUM ARTIST & ENSEMBLE read support
* Improved: [in_flac] Advanced Editor mode
* Improved: [in_mod] Added support for more than 256 samples
* Improved: [in_mp3] Faster metadata gathering (also speeds up ReplayGain scan)
* Improved: [in_mp4] Smoother data sent to vis & other minor tweaks
* Improved: [in_wm] Faster WMA/WMV metadata gathering
* Improved: [gen_ff] General freeform skinning engine optimizations
* Improved: [gen_ml] Collapsed/expanded state of treeview items now remembered
* Improved: [gen_ml] Skinned scrollbars in Media Library for newer Modern skins
* Improved: [gen_ml] Reordering of treeview items (via drag+drop)
* Improved: [ml_disc] Better Unicode support & other misc tweaks
* Improved: [ml_history] Unicode support
* Improved: [ml_local] Customize Columns menu for top filter panes
* Improved: [ml_local] Option to show horizontal scrollbar for top panes
* Improved: [ml_local] New 'Podcasts' view (appears after downloading a podcast)
* Improved: [ml_local] Added ISPODCAST and PODCASTCHANNEL field names
* Improved: [ml_local] Added BEGINSLIKE comparison operator
* Improved: [ml_local] Dragging of headers to sort column order
* Improved: [ml_local] Redesigned Smart View Editor
* Improved: [ml_local] Star Rating display and selection
* Improved: [ml_pmp] 'Copy to Local Media' config separated from CD Ripping settings
* Improved: [ml_pmp] Portables 'Sync' can now keep podcasts updated
* Improved: [ml_rg] ReplayGain calculation support for 64, 88.2 & 96 KHz samplerates
* Improved: [ml_wire] Optional automatic downloading of new podcast episodes
* Improved: [ml_wire] Multi-select, 'Send To' menu and other general enhancements
* Improved: [ml_wire] Podcast downloads now saved in channel subfolders
* Improved: [ml_wire] Updated podcast directory
* Improved: [pmp_ipod] Now uses the iPod's podcast menu for podcasts
* Fixed: 'All supported files' showing all filetypes in Open Files dialog
* Fixed: Esc key not working in Credits & Winamp tabs of About Box
* Fixed: Long filepaths corrupted when opening Winamp via Explorer context menu
* Fixed: Oversized preference pages with large DPI setting
* Fixed: Recurrence of multiple instances bug (previously fixed in 5.3)
* Fixed: Selecting 'No' for 'Physically Remove' prompt removes playlist/mldb item
* Fixed: TV button in video window not working
* Fixed: Windows showing if switching from modern to classic skin in minimized state
* Fixed: [ASX Loader] Recursive playlist loading & case-insensitive element matching
* Fixed: [ASX Loader] Handling of entries embedded within a REPEAT tag
* Fixed: [dsp_sps] DEP incompatibility
* Fixed: [gen_ff] 'Can't unload script while in script' error when switching skins
* Fixed: [gen_ff] Remember ML size when switching between Modern & Classic skins
* Fixed: [gen_ff] Transparent docked toolbars for skins using alpha-blending
* Fixed: [gen_ff] 10% opacity not applying on skins that add items to rt-click menu
* Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Crash when loading multiple files via Explorer context menu
* Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Remove Duplicate Entries action broken in pledit
* Fixed: [gen_ml] %playcount% returning Comment on drag+drop from ML to pledit
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Shift+Insert (New Playlist) and F1 (Help) keyboard shortcuts
* Fixed: [in_cdda] CDDB crash when attempting to rip a CD in a 2nd instance of Winamp
* Fixed: [in_flac] General FLAC Editor quirks (Comments field, Enter key, etc)
* Fixed: [in_flac] 24bit files don't play when 'Allow 24bit' setting is disabled
* Fixed: [in_mod] Fadeout value goes below 0.0 sec in in_mod config
* Fixed: [in_mod] Interpolator 'division by zero' crash bug
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Crash on some mp3's with corrupt ID3v2 extended headers (rare)
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Crash on loading corrupt id3v2.3 tags of a later revision
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Negative bitrate in File Info for long mp3's
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Glitch when modifying metadata on playing track
* Fixed: [in_mp4/libmp4v2] Memory leaks
* Fixed: [in_wave/libsndfile] Crash on invalid .au files
* Fixed: [in_wm] Garbage characters when editing filetypes in config
* Fixed: [in_wm] Potential DRM lockup issue
* Fixed: [ml_disc] 0 byte temp files not deleted after ripping
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Double-click drive icon in Rip & Burn not selecting tree item
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Crash when using
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Drag+drop from Audio CD view to Playlist Editor
* Fixed: [ml_local] (no album) items adding to Album count in Artist pane
* Fixed: [ml_local] isempty and =0 queries now return same results
* Fixed: [ml_local] Add dir to 'Watch Folders' path truncated to 64 characters
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Inserting extra period in filename when transcoding to mp4/aac
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Sending ansi-converted titles instead of Unicode
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Transfer caption building when Artist metadata is empty
* Fixed: [ml_wire] Subscription Updates setting always resets to 'Never'
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Potential incompatability issues with latest version of iTunes
* Fixed: [pmp_p4s] 'Error In Insert' when transferring to some P4S devices
* Fixed: [pmp_usb] Slow Winamp startup when external usb drive connected
* Fixed: [vis_milk] Milkdrop DEP incompatibility
* Misc: Winamp Remote is now an installer option (ml_orb.dll)
* Misc: Moved drawing engine out of gen_ff to tataki.dll
* Misc: Moved freetype font renderer out of gen_ff to freetype.wac
* Misc: Removed deprecated .LNG Language file support
* Misc: Removed db.w5s (replaced by new Gracenote database system)
* Misc: Removed Station Info window and Prefs page
* Misc: Removed unicows.lib/dll as we have officially dropped support for Win9x
* Updated: Gracenote MusicID/CDDB v2.5
* Updated: libpng 1.2.20
* Updated: [enc_aacplus] Coding Technologies aacPlus Encoder v8.1.0
* Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v0.99.2
* Updated: [in_flac] FLAC 1.2.1
* Updated: [in_mp3] FhG Decoder v4.10
* Updated: [in_vorbis] libvorbis 1.2.0
Winamp 5.5 Full Screenshots
Winamp 5 Builds
Winamp Comments
Step 1 - Install Winamp
Download and install Winamp (if you don’t already have it installed). Winamp is a free download.
Step 2 - Install the Shoutcast DSP Plugin

Download the Shoutcast DSP Plugin for Winamp and install it. This is a free plugin for Winamp that lets you stream out to the Internet.
Run the file you just downloaded and this will install the DSP into Winamp.
Step 3 - Start the Shoutcast DSP Plugin
Winamp Podcast

- Start Winamp
- Press Ctrl - P (Ctrl and P keys together) - This will open the settings page.
- (a) Click ‘DSP/Effect’ on the left column - you may need to scroll down.
- (b) Select ‘Nullsoft SHOUTcast Source DSP’ - a window called ‘SHOUTcast Source’ will appear.

Step 4 - Enter the Shoutcast Server settings
- (c) Click the ‘Output’ tab
- (d) Click ‘Connection’
- (e) In the ‘Address’ field enter the Shoutcast server host as shown in your Shoutcast email or Fast Serv account under Services -> Shoutcast.
- (f) In the ‘Port’ field enter the Shoutcast server Port as shown in your Shoutcast email or Fast Serv account under Services -> Shoutcast.
- (g) In the ‘Password’ field enter the Shoutcast server DJ password as shown in your Shoutcast email or Fast Serv account under Services -> Shoutcast.
Note: You can log into your Portal account to obtain your Shoutcast server details critical for this step (if you don’t already have them):
Step 5 - Set up the Encoder
The Encoder is the ‘heart’ of Shoutcast. It takes the audio from Winamp (or the microphone or line input) and converts it into MP3 format to be sent to your listeners.
- (h) Click the ‘Encoder’ tab.
- (i) Click ‘Encoder 1’ in the ‘Encoder’ field.
- (j) Select ‘MP3 Encoder’ in the ‘Encoder Type’ menu.
- (k) Select the appropriate bitrate in the ‘Encoder Settings’. You can choose any ‘kbps’ that is equal or lower to the bitrate ‘kbps’ of the Shoutcast package you purchased.
Note: Be very careful when choosing your Encoder Settings. The bit rate (kbps) MUST be equal or lower to the Shoutcast plan you purchased.
Step 6 - Set up your Station Details
- (l) Click the ‘Output’ tab.
- (m) Click the ‘Yellowpages’ button.
- (n) Give your station a title.
- (o) Enter your website address, including the http:// part.
- (p) Enter a the genre of music or content. You can list more than one, separated by commas.
- (q) If you want the titles of songs streamed to the players, click ‘Enable Title Updates’.
Step 7 - Choose the audio source
Here we will choose whether to broadcast what is playing in Winamp, or instead the live sound input to your computer (microphone, line-in, ect).
- (r) Click the ‘Input’ tab
- (s) If you want to stream files played in Winamp, choose ‘Winamp’ in the ‘Input Device’ menu. If you wish to instead broadcast a live audio feed or microphone input, select ‘Soundcard Input’.
Note: If you select ‘Soundcard Input’, the default recording device in the Windows control panel will be used for streaming. You can monitor the levels in the ‘Input Level’ area—it is recommended to keep your input level less than -2 dB to prevent distortion. You may have to adjust the recording mixer properties if the levels aren’t moving (see below under ‘troubleshooting’).

Step 8 - Start streaming
- (t) Click the ‘Output’ tab.
- (u) Click ‘Connect’.
- (v) You should immediately see bytes counting up in the ‘Status’ box. If the bytes are stuck at 0 or remains ‘Not Connected’, see the troubleshooting section below.
- (w) If you would like to have the Shoutcast DSP automatically connect each time you start Winamp, tick the ‘Connect at Startup’ check box.
You’re now streaming live on the Internet!
Winamp Podcast Directory
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