
Then run a xattred -d com.apple.quarantine.scriptpath. to remove the quarantine flag.

Recent versions of OS X do not have a menu for launching applications from an unknown (unknown to Apple) developer. This limitation is new and often annoying.
The developer can be quite credible. He's just tired of paying Apple. Or he died from the Covid-19...
If you still trust the source of the application and want to use it for the first time or remove the quarantine from it (in other words, bypass the Gatekeeper for this particular application), then a small script I wrote for this purpose will come in handy:


set theApp to choose application
set appPosixPath to POSIX path of (path to theApp)
set quotedPath to quoted form of appPosixPath
do shell script'xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine ' & quotedPath with administrator privileges

  1. User an GUI app to strip the flag: xattred. Log in to vote on this issue. Comments (13) Tautvydas-Zilys. Apr 16, 2021 16:08. Hi everyone, as far as we are aware, this issue is fixed in all known cases. If you're still running into ' is damaged and can't be opened.
  2. Add quarantine flag (xattred) open and install on Catalina system Terminal Test Mac Executable=/Users/username/Documents/toolname Identifier=com.myco.toolname Format=Mach-O thin (x8664) CodeDirectory v=20500 size=549 flags=0x10000(runtime) hashes=8+5 location=embedded Signature size=8926 Authority=Developer ID Application: Developer Name (QWY0LRW000).

Some applications can't be chosen with choose application dialog (Gatekeeper throw error), but you still can provide full path and remove the application from quarantine:


set theApp to ((path to applications folder) as text) & 'Avidemux_2.7.8.app'
set appPosixPath to POSIX path of theApp
set quotedPath to quoted form of appPosixPath
do shell script'xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine ' & quotedPath with administrator privileges

Last edited by KniazidisR (2021-04-11 07:04:14 am)


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macOS builds no longer run when with a quarantine attribute due to incorrect codesigning

Repro Steps:
1. Download a mac editor (2021.1.x for instance)
2. Once downloaded, build a mac player
3. Move mac player to a different mac and try to run

Xattr App

Actual Result
A new error shows up (it started to happen around mi-December 2020 for me an a colleague) : '<Unity app> is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash'

Expected Result
Before it started happening, another dialog was showing up and I could still open the app: 'macOS cannot verify the developer of '<Unity app>. Are you sure you want to open it?'

Xattr Mac

Workarounds (you only need to apply one):
- After exporting the game on a path, resign the whole app bundle: 'codesign --deep -s - -f path/to/game.app'
- Remove the quarantine attribute from the command line: 'xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine path/to/game.app'
- User an GUI app to strip the flag: xattred